To the Woman with Hair Loss

To the Woman…

who is struggling with hair loss.

Perhaps you have noticed the first smooth, round patches of missing hair. Or you’ve noticed the excessive strands left behind in the shower, on your pillow, or your hairbrush.

I know the confusion, anxiety, and pure terror that you feel.

Your mind spirals with thoughts you can’t control

What is happening?
Why won’t it stop?
What if…. What if it all keeps going?
What if it all falls out? Will it grow back?
Should I get the shots the dermatologist recommends?
Will topical creams work?
Is there a magic shampoo I can use?
Should I wash or brush more gently?
Is it stress?
Is it my fault?
Why is this happening?
Why is my body attacking itself?
What if people at work find out?
Will I embarrass my kids?
How do cover it up?
Are wigs expensive? Are they itchy?
Will my husband still love me?
Will he still find me attractive?
Can I have sex in a wig?
How do I hide this secret from the world?
I just want to hide.
This can’t be happening!

I see you.
I know your pain.
I spent years in hiding.

My journey of over a decade of coming to terms with my Alopecia was a catalyst that led me to coaching women, especially women trying to navigate their hair loss journey. One thing I can say for sure is that your journey is your own. No one can tell you how to navigate your own journey.

As a Women’s Wellness Coach, I will walk beside you in your journey. I will listen and relate to your experience in a way that your family and friends may not be able to do for you because they haven’t experienced it. I will help you sift through the information and misinformation that you’ll experience. I will help you focus on self-care, self-love, and nourishing your mind, body, and soul.

I won’t promise you that your hair will grow back. But I will promise you that you don’t have to navigate this journey alone.

I invite you to join me for a personal, private Wellness Consultation. Let’s talk about what’s on your heart.

xo, Sondra

Sondra Dubas

Holistic Wellness Coach

7 Tips for Living with Autoimmunity


My Mission